As reported here, and in my article in Entertainment Law Review at the beginning of this year, for a number of years now there has been a lot of debate in the UK over the Artist's Resale Right. For those who don't know, this right allows artists to receive a royalty every time their works are resold through auction houses, galleries and art dealers. At present, in the UK, the right applies to the sale of the works of living artists. The final step, in order for the Resale Right directive (2001/84/EC) to be fully implemented in the UK is for the right to also be applied to the works of deceased artists. This is expected to happen from 1 January 2012.
However, having no doubt been disappointed by the UK government's previous action in delaying full implementation of the directive, and aware of the ongoing opposition of the British Art Market to full implementaion, DACS (the Design and Artists Copyright Society), who distributes the Artist’s Resale Right royalties to artists, has sent out a call-to-arms seeking a show of support for the artists.
DACS is asking people to sign a "Petition for Artist's Resale Right" to show their support for the right. The petition states as follows:
However, having no doubt been disappointed by the UK government's previous action in delaying full implementation of the directive, and aware of the ongoing opposition of the British Art Market to full implementaion, DACS (the Design and Artists Copyright Society), who distributes the Artist’s Resale Right royalties to artists, has sent out a call-to-arms seeking a show of support for the artists.
DACS is asking people to sign a "Petition for Artist's Resale Right" to show their support for the right. The petition states as follows:
We, the undersigned, welcome the full implementation of the Artist’s Resale Right from 1 January 2012. We call on the UK Government and European Commission to recognise the importance of this Right in supporting artists, their families and beneficiaries.So, if you feel strongly about the need for the Artist’s Resale Right to be extended to the works of deceased artists, or just want to show your support for artists – you can find the petition here.
The royalties from the Right will provide desperately needed funding for artists’ families and beneficiaries, who inherit the burden of managing an artist’s estate, including the costs of storage, conservation, cataloguing, research and restoration as well as identifying works.

In its call, DACS points out that "There are far greater costs associated with selling works of art that dwarf the impact of the resale right. When Alberto Giacometti’s Walking Man I sold for £58 million in the UK in February 2010, it earned £7 million in buyer’s premium for the auction house. Compare this to the £2.4 million in resale royalties which were generated by the entire UK art market during the whole of 2010."