24 October we're having an Art & Artifice get-together. The location will be in Central London and our guest speaker will be
Michael Edenborough QC, who acted for the successful claimant in the celebrated
Red Bus case (
here, noted on this weblog by Rosie
here). Michael will be speaking about this case -- which still has the power to shock and surprise people -- and its aftermath, following which a panel of enthusiasts, including some members of the Art & Artifice blog team, will make some pertinent comments of their own. Refreshments and a spot of pleasant networking will then spontaneously occur. Further details will be provided once they are finalised. In the meantime, save the date, and indeed the time (registration at 5 pm; event starts at 5.30 pm and ends at 7 pm).
See you there!
Got the date but where is the venue
DesE Gershon.
Thanks, DesE, for your comment. To reiterate: " Further details will be provided once they are finalised". One of those is the venue, which we're closing in on!
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